Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd has reported net sales of Rs 5124.2 crore, showing a growth of 21.2%. PAT was at Rs 562.4 crore as against Rs 400.9 crore, showing a growth of 40% over the corresponding period in the last fiscal. Operating margins improved 60 bps to 15% due to more efficient raw material sourcing. Total unit sales for Q1 stood at 127,299 units, as against 102,282 units. Sales realizations per unit of automotive division decreased by Rs 10,018 to Rs 373,280 per vehicle.
In the current quarter the company continued to maintain its dominant position in the UV market with a market share of 59.4%. Due to higher volumes, focused cost control, lower interest expenses and realisation of the synergies arising from acquisition of the erstwhile Punjab Tractor's Ltd led to a overall improved financial performance.