Kashipur Sugar Mills Limited

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BSE Code: 502512      

Business Profile
Business Profile
Dhampur Sugar Kashipur (DSMAGRPR) belongs to DSM group. The unit at Kashipur, which is situated in the fertile foothills of Uttaranchal, was acquired by DSM in 1992. At the time of acquisition, the unit had a capacity of 2,500 TCD.

Subsequent to the takeover, modifications were made to increase the cane crushing and reduce process losses which made the unit achieve better working results. The unit's capacity was expanded. The current capacity of the company is 6,250 TCD. The company is engaged in sugar and molasses production business. It produces double-refined white sulphurless sugar, plantation white sugar and raw sugar. Double-refined white sulphurless sugar is manufactured without any toxic chemicals like sulphur dioxide.

Dhampur Sugar Kashipur swung to a loss for the quarter ended in March 2007.

Net sales for the quarter declined 1.72% to Rs 345.04 million for the quarter ended March 2007 from Rs 351.08 million for the quarter ended March 2006.

Total income dipped 2.23% to Rs 347.19 million from Rs 355.12 million for the quarter ended March 2006.

The loss per share of the company stood at Rs 3.29 in the quarter ended March 2007.

Recent Developments
1,000,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each have been allotted @ Rs 15.35 per share to Capital Cement.

On June 13, 2007, the shareholders accorded to the company name to be changed to Kashipur Sugar Mills.

Other Information
Annual Reports for Kashipur Sugar Mills Limited
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