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Hindustan Dorr has target of Rs 153: Joshi

28 Aug 09 04:09 PM
Money Control
Hindustan Dorr-Oliver has target of Rs 153, says Investment Advisor, Sharmila Joshi.

Joshi told "Hindustan Dorr-Oliver is a very interesting company. It is an engineering and turnkey solutions player. They just recently concluded a project for Vedanta and Alumina beneficiation project. The next part of the business is also very interesting which is the environmental management business because they using the same solid, liquid separation technology and they are using if for affluent treatment, drinking water treatment. So that is going to be given the kind of water shortage that we are facing, that is going to be a very interesting business going ahead. They have some amount of breakup coming from fertilizers and pulp and paper. In the pulp and paper I think they are pretty much established the business. So here you have a company with a very healthy order book, almost up 2 times the expected FY10 earnings. About Rs 1400 crore plus order book position and they are getting large orders so that will give them and really scale up in that sense and they will be able to prove themselves. I think you should look at it from a slightly longer term perspective. I have given it a target of Rs 153 and have given an estimate FY10 EPS of about Rs 12.”